
As a learning scientist, I base my beliefs about learning and teaching on sociocultural theory, which posits that people learn best when they engage in a community of practice. I value the important role that interactions in a classroom play in students’ learning, and in my teaching, I have focused on creating a collaborative, equitable, and inclusive learning environment in which students feel safe and confident exploring their identities and sharing their thoughts.

Indiana University

2021-2022 Orientation for Associate Instructor

  • Cognitive and Sociocultural learning theories for new associate instructors.

2020-2022 P251 Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers.

  • Learning theories: Behaviorism, Cognitive theory, Social Cognitive theory, Sociocultural theory, and Constructivism.
  • Assessement in context.
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion in classroom

2020-2022 M101 Field Experience.

  • Field Experience in elemantary classrooms
  • EdTPA preparation.